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Faith Matters

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you". Matthew 6:33

Beginning in Matthew 6:25 Jesus teaches a lesson about God’s provision for His people. This doctrine teaches believers to trust the Father. Certainly, Christian people do not have to be anxious or stressed about the daily needs of life. The illustrations found in these verses tell the reader of birds being fed and flowers being dressed with the beauty that only God can give. The lesson is given with the purpose of showing His disciples that they should not be concerned with the everyday things of life.

Just like the people of Jesus' day, followers today depend on what they can do to provide for themselves and their families. The problem is the stress and worry that comes with it. Many men and women in modern days spend all their time chasing happiness through monetary gain so they can gain possessions that are only temporary.

What people seek is what they value most. While it may not seem like a problem, it most definitely is. Focusing on gaining the desires of the flesh is certain to affect the spiritual lives of Christians. Christ's intent, when He tells the people to seek His Kingdom first, is that every believer will learn to value the right things.

In the Christian life, it is important to view things in the proper perspective. As a child of God, it should be asked, “what do I value most?” For the true believer, the answer to this question should be simple, Christ is preeminent in all things. However, it becomes easy for even the most faithful Christian to become distracted by the everyday things of life. Such distractions can result in less time spent with Him in prayer, less time in His word; we grow distant and our relationship with Him suffers.

What is the solution to the problem? Christ gives us the answer in the text, "seek first His kingdom and His righteousness". The Lord promises provision for those who believe, He promises to provide the necessities of life. When we seek His kingdom first, our daily provisions are guaranteed.

Trust His promises and you will find rest, not stress.


In His service,

Pastor Richie Honeycutt


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