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Faith Matters


Mark 16:15

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation".


Such a plain and simple statement yet seemingly so hard to accomplish. This message was delivered to the eleven disciples after the resurrection. The Jews rejected the Messiah by having Him crucified. In this verse Christ commands His disciples to go into all the world. What this means is that now the door has been opened to the Gentiles.

Going is critical, but even more important is the message in which they were to carry. Christ specifically instructs these men to deliver the Gospel to the whole creation. No one should be looked over no matter their social status. Race as well as gender should not factor into delivering this message. Finances or age should be ignored for the purpose of sharing the Gospel.

The Gospel is good news! Specifically, the good news of Christ. Now, just as then, we live in a world filled with bad every way we turn. Life is full of disappointment and heartache. Job declared that life was a few days and full of trouble (Job 14:1). As Christians, we have the message this world stands in desperate need of, it is a message of hope to the unbelieving world. Not only do we have the Gospel, we are commanded to proclaim it.

Christ came into the world to save sinners; this is good news! Paul declared in the book of Romans that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. No matter how good a person believes they are, they are sinners. This is why it is so important for believers to proclaim this message. The beautiful story of the birth, sinless life, death, and resurrection, still needs to be told.

This world is dark, people have evil hearts, and their deeds show it. Such were some of us. Christian, lift up your voice, herald the message of Christ. It is our duty.

In His service

Richie Honeycutt


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