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Faith Matters


Abounding Grace

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD. (Genesis 6:8)

Genesis six is a record, and maybe the most accurate record in Scripture of the depravity of man. When Adam sinned in the garden, sin came upon all men.

In creation, God saw His work as ‘good,’ in fact He said it was ‘very good.’ Here, in God’s Word, it can be seen just how far man has fallen, but also the mind of God concerning this fall. The creator saw the wickedness, as well as, the intents of their minds, and the evil that lived in the heart. For these reasons God regretted making man. (Genesis 6:5-6) The author gives a sobering account concerning the judgment that was to come as a result of sin. To say it plainly, God would wipe mankind from the face of the earth.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand how a loving God would pronounce such judgment. It really is quite simple. God is sovereign and can exercise His judgment at will. The good news is that He can also pardon and forgive at will. In this text, He does both. While punishment for the whole world is imminent, mercy is flowing freely. Noah is the direct beneficiary of this wonderful gift.

The word grace is most often described as unmerited or undeserved favor. Undeserved is most certainly the case in verse eight. Noah deserved the punishment of God just like the rest of mankind, however God extended a hand of grace. Just as the world would see the full wrath of God in judgment, Noah receives the full measure of marvelous grace.

This same grace has been given to undeserving sinners today. Those who follow Christ by faith, have avoided the full wrath of God and have received grace that was not deserved! Rejoice today believer, God has not given to you what you deserve, instead you have been granted favor and forgiveness.


In His service,

Pastor Richie Honeycutt


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